Thursday, January 2, 2014

Unit 1(P7): Introduction to Management: Managerial roles and skills

Roles of Manager ? (By: Henry Mintzberg)

Interpersonal Role: This role involves human interaction (with subordinates and person outside the organization) and other duties that are ceremonial and symbolic in nature. This role is subdivided into three roles, they are:

  1. Figurehead role: Symbolic and ceremonial head, gets into activities like, greeting visitors, chairing board meeting, signing legal documents, ribbon cutting .
  2. Leader role: Formally and informally showing subordinate how to do things and how to perform under pressure, does activities like, directing, coordinating, training, motivating, staffing .
  3. Liaison role: Maintains relations internally with different units and externally with all other stakeholders for building image, gathering resource, coordinating two project groups.

Informational Role: This role involves the sharing and analyzing of information. This role is subdivided into three roles, they are:

  1. Monitor role: Actively seek and receives wide variety of internal and external information that may be of value, activities like scanning industry reports, reading periodicals and reports .
  2. Disseminator role: provides information to subordinates and keep them informed of what is going on around the organization and the precautions to be taken while disseminating it.
  3. Spokesperson role: Transmit information to outsiders on organization plans, policies, actions, result, etc. like, holding board meeting, organizing press conference.

Decisional Role: This role involves decision making. This role is subdivided into four role, they are:

  1. Entrepreneurship role: The voluntary initiator of change, search organization and its environment for opportunities and initiates projects .
  2. Disturbance handler role: Maintaining congenial working environment and organizational stability.
  3. Resource Allocator role: Responsible for the allocation of organization resources (financial, informational, physical and human)
  4. Negotiator role: Responsible for representing the organization at major negotiations with suppliers, unions, stakeholders.

What different skills manager require?

Technical skill: skills necessary to accomplish or understand tasks relevant to the organization. It is job specific knowledge and techniques that are required to perform organizational role. A technical skill is the ability to perform the given job. Technical skills help the managers to use different machines and tools. It also helps them to use various procedures and techniques. The low-level managers require more technical skills. This is because they are in charge of the actual operations.

Interpersonal Skills:  It is manager ability to communicate with, understand, and, motivate both individuals and groups.  The knowledge and techniques of communication, motivation, conflict management, group dynamics, etc are need in interpersonal skills. It is an ability to work with people. It helps the managers to understand, communicate and work with others. It also helps the managers to lead, motivate and develop team spirit. Human relations skills are required by all managers at all levels of management. This is so, since all managers have to interact and work with people.

Conceptual Skills:  It is manager’s ability to think in abstract by viewing organization in holistic manner. Conceptual skill is the ability to visualize (see) the organization as a whole. It includes Analytical, Creative and Initiative skills. It helps the manager to identify the causes of the problems and not the symptoms. It helps him to solve the problems for the benefit of the entire organization. It helps the manager to fix goals for the whole organization and to plan for every situation. According to Prof. Daniel Katz, conceptual skills are mostly required by the top-level management because they spend more time in planning, organizing and problem solving.

Diagnostic skill: Managers ability to visualize the most appropriate response to a situation. Problem solving skills are also called as Design skills. A manager should know how to identify a problem. He should also possess an ability to find a best solution for solving any specific problem. This requires intelligence, experience and up-to-date knowledge of the latest developments.

Communication skills: Is required equally at all three levels of management. A manager must be able to communicate the plans and policies to the workers. Similarly, he must listen and solve the problems of the workers. He must encourage a free-flow of communication in the organization.

Leadership Skills: Leadership skill is the ability to influence human behavior. A manager requires leadership skills to motivate the workers. These skills help the Manager to get the work done through the workers.


  1. Skills of manager:
    1.Leadership and People Management: Attract, retain, motivate, coach and develop team members for high performance

    2. Communication Skills: Communicate, present, assert, speak senior management language

    3. Collaboration Skills: Influence, build relationships, navigate politics, manage conflicts, negotiate

    4. Business Management Skills:Understand strategy, business functions, decision-making and workflow

    5. Finance Skills: Budget, forecast, manage cash flow, understand financial statements, manage business metrics

    6. Project Management Skills: Plan and manage successful projects, manage risks, costs, time and project teams

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  3. The Roles of Manager:

    Mintzberg published his Ten Management Roles in his book, "Mintzberg on Management: Inside our Strange World of Organizations," in 1990.

    The ten roles are:
    8.Disturbance Handler.
    9.Resource Allocator.

    Let's look at each of the ten roles in greater detail.

    Interpersonal Category:The roles in this category involve providing information and ideas.

    1.Figurehead – As a manager, you have social, ceremonial and legal responsibilities. You're expected to be a source of inspiration. People look up to you as a person with authority, and as a figurehead.
    2.Leader – This is where you provide leadership for your team, your department or perhaps your entire organization; and it's where you manage the performance and responsibilities of everyone in the group.
    3.Liaison – Managers must communicate with internal and external contacts. You need to be able to network effectively on behalf of your organization.

    Informational Category:The roles in this category involve processing information.
    4.Monitor – In this role, you regularly seek out information related to your organization and industry, looking for relevant changes in the environment. You also monitor your team, in terms of both their productivity, and their well-being.
    5.Disseminator – This is where you communicate potentially useful information to your colleagues and your team.
    6.Spokesperson – Managers represent and speak for their organization. In this role you're responsible for transmitting information about your organization and its goals to the people outside it.

    Decisional Category
    The roles in this category involve using information.
    7.Entrepreneur – As a manager, you create and control change within the organization. This means solving problems, generating new ideas, and implementing them.
    8.Disturbance Handler – When an organization or team hits an unexpected roadblock, it's the manager who must take charge. You also need to help mediate disputes within it.
    9.Resource Allocator – You'll also need to determine where organizational resources are best applied. This involves allocating funding, as well as assigning staff and other organizational resources.
    10.Negotiator – You may be needed to take part in, and direct, important negotiations within your team, department, or organization.

  4. According to American Management Association, the 6 major skills of manager are as follows;
    to set priorities, delegate, motivate and develop your people, coach them to become top performers and communicate objectives and goals.

    to get your point across, create a compelling presentation to support your goals and get buy-in for ideas, inspire others to achieve better results and demonstrate emotional intelligence.

    so you can value and celebrate differences, build rapport, form alliances and negotiate effectively.

    to approach problem solving logically, research options, avoid biases and focus on meaningful data to draw the right conclusions—even under pressure.

    to weigh the dollars-and-cents implications of your decisions—including the ability to build a sound budget and formulate reasonable forecasts.

    to grasp the scope and objectives of projects, recognize the roles and responsibilities of others, use PM tools to stay on track and become an effective member of a cross-functional team.

  5. The Ten Management Roles
    The ten roles explored in this theory have extensive explanations which are briefly
    developed here:

    Figurehead: All social, inspiration, legal and ceremonial obligations. In this light, the manager is seen as a symbol of status and authority.
    Leader: Duties are at the heart of the manager-subordinate relationship and include structuring and motivating subordinates, overseeing their progress, promoting and encouraging their development, and balancing effectiveness.
    Liaison: Describes the information and communication obligations of a manager. One must network and engage in information exchange to gain access to knowledge bases.
    Monitor: Duties include assessing internal operations, a department's success and the problems and opportunities which may arise. All the information gained in this capacity must be stored and maintained.
    Disseminator: Highlights factual or value based external views into the organisation and to subordinates. This requires both filtering and delegation skills.
    Spokesman: Serves in a PR capacity by informing and lobbying others to keep key stakeholders updated about the operations of the organisation.
    Entrepreneur: Roles encourage managers to create improvement projects and work to delegate, empower and supervise teams in the development process.
    Disturbance handler: A generalist role that takes charge when an organisation is unexpectedly upset or transformed and requires calming and support.
    Resource Allocator: Describes the responsibility of allocating and overseeing financial, material and personnel resources.
    Negotiator: Is a specific task which is integral for the spokesman, figurehead and resource allocator roles.

    a) Technical skills:Technical skill is the ability to process the technical side of a job. It is the job-specific knowledge and techniques that are required to perform an organizational role.The first-line supervisors need the technical skills the most, because they have to see that goods and services that are produced and delivered.For example: an accountant must hav expertise in accounting. A production manager must have the skills to plan, operate, maintain, and repair machines and equipment , etc.

    b)Inter-personal Skills:It is the skill to communicate with the co-workers.It involves the ability to understand, lead, communicate, coordinate and control the behavior of other individuals and groups.

    c)Conceptual skills:It involves the formulation of ideas and concepts.The manager should be able to visualize the organization in its totality and environment.It includes creative and analytical skills.

    d)Communication skills:It refers to the passing of information, ideas, plans, policies, and works to the workers working for the top level to the lower level. The manager must have good communication skills so that the information can be transferred in an efficient way.

    e)Diagnostic Skill: The skills that are concerned with analyzing the problems and deciding what is wrong and right can be known as diagnostic skills. The manager must be able to solve a problem arising in an organization using his intelligence, knowledge and experience in the workplace.

    f)Leadership Skills:It is the skill related to influencing the behavior and performance of the workers.It is the ability to persuade others to work together willingly to achieve desired goals.A manager must have this skill so that he can guide, suggest and instruct others positively.

  7. A manager has to fulfill many roles every day.
    For instance, as well as leading the team, the manager might find them self resolving a conflict, negotiating new contracts, representing their department at a board meeting, or approving a request for a new computer system.The manager is constantly switching roles as tasks, situations, and expectations change.
    Management expert and professor, Henry Mintzberg, recognized this. He argued that there are ten primary roles or behaviors that can be used to categorize a manager's different functions.
    The ten roles are:
    1. Figurehead.
    2. Leader.
    3. Liaison.
    4. Monitor.
    5. Disseminator.
    6. Spokesperson.
    7. Entrepreneur.
    8. Disturbance Handler.
    9. Resource Allocator.

    The 10 roles can be classified into three categories, as follows
    I. Interpersonal
    - Figurehead
    II. Informational
    III. Decisional
    -Disturbance Handler
    -Resource Allocator

  8. Here are the Skills of Manger:

    to set priorities, delegate, motivate and develop your people, coach them to become top performers and communicate objectives and goals.

    to get your point across, create a compelling presentation to support your goals and get buy-in for ideas, inspire others to achieve better results and demonstrate emotional intelligence.

    so you can value and celebrate differences, build rapport, form alliances and negotiate effectively.

    to approach problem solving logically, research options, avoid biases and focus on meaningful data to draw the right conclusions—even under pressure.

    to weigh the dollars-and-cents implications of your decisions—including the ability to build a sound budget and formulate reasonable forecasts.

    to grasp the scope and objectives of projects, recognize the roles and responsibilities of others, use PM tools to stay on track and become an effective member of a cross-functional team.

  9. Managerial Skills:
    a) Technical skills: The skills necessary to accomplish or understand the specific kind of work being done in an organization.
    b) Interpersonal skills: The ability to communicate with , understand, and motivate both individuals and groups.
    c) Conceptual skills: The manager's ability to think in the abstract.
    d) Diagnostic skills: The manager's ability to visualize the most appropriate response to a situation.
    e) Communication skills: The manager's abilities both to effectively convey ideas and information to others and to effectively receive ideas and information from others.
    f) Decision-making skills: The manager's ability to correctly recognize and define problems and opportunities and to then select an appropriate course of action to solve problems and capitalize on opportunities.
    g) Time management skills: The manager's ability to prioritize work, to work efficiently, and to delegate appropriately.

  10. The Canadian academic, Henry Mintzberg published an empirical research involving, observing and analysing the activities of the Managers of five private and semi-public organizations, focusing on the day-to-day reality of Managerial behaviour. The study describes the work life of a Manager. Mintzberg then identified ten separate roles in Managerial work, each role defined as an organised collection of behaviours belonging to an identifiable function or position. They are,

    1. FIGUREHEAD: The Manager performs ceremonial and symbolic duties as head of the organisation;
    2. LEADER: Fosters a proper work atmosphere and motivates and develops subordinates;
    3. LIASION: Develops and maintains a network of external contacts to gather information;
    4. MONITOR: Gathers internal and external information relevant to the organisation;
    5. DISSEMINATOR: Transmits factual and value based information to subordinates;
    6. SPOKESPERSON: Communicates to the outside world on performance and policies.
    7. ENTREPRENEUR: Designs and initiates change in the organisation;
    8. DISTURBANCE HANDLER: Deals with unexpected events and operational breakdowns;
    9. RESOURCE ALLOCATOR: Controls and authorises the use of organisational resources;
    10. NEGOTIATOR: Participates in negotiation activities with other organisations and individuals.
    He further grouped these roles into three subcategories: Interpersonal contact (1, 2, 3), Information processing (4, 5, 6) and Decision making (7-10).
    Mintzberg also found that although individual capabilities influence the implementation of a role, it is the organisation that determines the need for a particular role, addressing the common belief that it predominantly a Manager’s skill set that determines success. Effective Managers develop protocols for action given their job description and personal preference, and match these with the situation at hand.

  11. Managerial Skills

    Management is a challenging job. It requires certain skills to accomplish such a challenge. Thus, essential skills which every manager needs for doing a better management are called as

    Managerial Skills:
    According to Professor Daniel Katz, there are three managerial skills, viz.,
    Conceptual Skills,Human Relations Skills, andTechnical Skills.

    According to Prof. Daniel Katz, all managers require above three managerial skills. However, the degree (amount) of these skills required varies (changes) from levels of management and from an organisation to organisation.
    managerial skills

    The top-level managers require more conceptual skills and less technical skills. The lower-level managers require more technical skills and fewer conceptual skills. Human relations skills are required equally by all three levels of management.

    1. Conceptual Skills

    Conceptual skill is the ability to visualise (see) the organisation as a whole. It includes Analytical, Creative and Initiative skills. It helps the manager to identify the causes of the problems and not the symptoms. It helps him to solve the problems for the benefit of the entire organisation. It helps the manager to fix goals for the whole organisation and to plan for every situation. According to Prof. Daniel Katz, conceptual skills are mostly required by the top-level management because they spend more time in planning, organising and problem solving.

    2. Human Relations Skills

    Human relations skills are also called Interpersonal skills. It is an ability to work with people. It helps the managers to understand, communicate and work with others. It also helps the managers to lead, motivate and develop team spirit. Human relations skills are required by all managers at all levels of management. This is so, since all managers have to interact and work with people.

    3. Technical Skills

    A technical skill is the ability to perform the given job. Technical skills help the managers to use different machines and tools. It also helps them to use various procedures and techniques. The low-level managers require more technical skills. This is because they are incharge of the actual operations.
    Apart from Prof. Daniel Katz's three managerial skills, a manager also needs (requires) following additional managerial skills.

    4. Communication Skills

    Communication skills are required equally at all three levels of management. A manager must be able to communicate the plans and policies to the workers. Similarly, he must listen and solve the problems of the workers. He must encourage a free-flow of communication in the organisation.

    5. Administrative Skills

    Administrative skills are required at the top-level management. The top-level managers should know how to make plans and policies. They should also know how to get the work done. They should be able to co-ordinate different activities of the organisation. They should also be able to control the full organisation.

    6. Leadership Skills

    Leadership skill is the ability to influence human behaviour. A manager requires leadership skills to motivate the workers. These skills help the Manager to get the work done through the workers.

    7. Problem Solving Skills

    Problem solving skills are also called as Design skills. A manager should know how to identify a problem. He should also possess an ability to find a best solution for solving any specific problem. This requires intelligence, experience and up-to-date knowledge of the latest developments.

  12. according to Henry Minztberg, there are three different roles of a manager,
    1. Interpersonal role which includes the interaction with the subordinates and the people outside the organization. This is also divided into 3 roles,
    -1. Figurehead role which assigns manager to be a symbolic and ceremonious means getting involve in activities like inaugurating, greeting, meeting and this type of.
    -2. Leader role, here, a manager acts formally and informally to guide the things done in a better way.
    -3. Liaison role, this role maintains the relations with internal teams and with external stakeholders to make a good approach while in need.

    2. Informational role- this implicates the sharing the plans information and analyzing it in detail. this also divide into 3 roles-
    -1. Monitor role means it search and gathered all the information of organization that includes internal an external information.
    -2. Disseminator role it provide the information to all the subordinates about the action that the organization is going to face around and taking a suitable precaution while disseminating it.
    -3. Spokesperson role, its like a transmitting the limited information to the outsiders according the organization's policies.

    3. Decisional role this role includes the quality decision making and this is divide into 4 parts,
    -1. Entrepreneurship role this role makes an initiator change of company, overview the environment of organization and optimizing it.
    -2. Disturbance handler role this is to make working area congenial and stability in organization
    -3. Resource allocator role, this role allocates a manager to be a responsible for all the resources of the organization which includes financial, informational, physical and human.
    -4. Negotiator role, this role negotiate for the company beneficial with supplier, unions and stakeholders.
    The manager requires different types of skills, they are-
    1. Technical skills
    2. Interpersonal skills
    3. Conceptual skills
    4. Diagnostic skills
    5. Communication skills
    6. Leadership skills

  13. Mnagerial Roles:

    Henry Mintzberg(1973) ,a management theorist,described ten various roles of the manager which are not independent and isolated roles which together represent a unified whole of managerial roles.there are three distinct and broad but related categories roles and each are divided inro three sub roles:

    1.Interpersonal roles:Manager assumes this role to coordinate and interact with the organizations members and provide directions nad supervision to the employees.
    -Figurehead role:this role consists of greeting ,receiving visitors,chairing meetings,etc..
    -Leader role:indicates directing,staffing,motivating,controlling.
    -Liaison role: involes maintaining relation internally and externally in society.

    2.Information role:This role involves obtaining and transferring information.
    -Monitor role:involves monitoring the activities happening around the organization.
    -Disseminator role:involves providing information to subordinates and keep them informed.
    -Spokesperson role:involves explaining to organizational members and outsiders about related issues of their interest.

    3.Decisional role:This roles involves in decision making about negotiation,compromises and conflicts.
    -Entrepreneurship role: is concerned with planning and initiating change within the organization
    -Disturbance handler role:Involves maintaining the congenial working environment.
    -Resource allocator role:Deals with the managerial function of allocating resources to different unit and subordinates.
    -Negotiator role: involves representing as well as protecting organization's interests in dealing with insiders and outsiders.

  14. Managerial Skills:

    1.Technical skill:This is the skill which enables the manager to use differents machines and tools.It helps to perform given job and also helps them to use various procedures and techniques.

    2.Interpersonal skill:This sill helps the manager to work ,understand and communicate with people and through wich he can motivate , manage conflicts , lead and can maintain a team spirit in an organization.This skill is required by all the managers in eacdh level of management.

    3.Conceptual skill: This skil helps the manager to see the organization as a whole which helps him to identify the causes of the problems and find their solutions.It helps the manager to set a goal and plan acoordingly.

    4.Diagonostic skill:A manager requires intelligence and experience to identify the problem and its solutionof any specific problem.Therefore , a manager should to able to see the best response to the situation.

    5.Communication skill:A manager must b able to communicate the plans to the workers,must listen and solve problems of the workers and encourage a free flow of communication in the organization.

    6.Leadership skills:A manager must have a gud leadership power so thathe can get things done by the workers in time.

  15. Figurehead
    Figureheads represent their teams. If we need to improve or build confidence in this area, start with your image, behavior, and reputation . Cultivate humility and empathy , learn how to set a good example at work , and think about how to be a good role model .
    This is the role you probably spend most of your time fulfilling. To improve here, start by taking your quiz, How Good Are Your Leadership Skills? This will give you a thorough understanding of your current abilities.
    Next, learn how to be an authentic leader , so your team will respect you. Also, focus on improving your emotional intelligence – this is an important skill for being an effective leader.
    To improve your liaison skills, work on your professional networking techniques. You may also like to take our Bite-Sized Training course on Networking Skills.
    To improve here, learn how to gather information effectively and overcome information overload . Also, use effective reading strategies , so that you can process material quickly and thoroughly, and learn how to keep up-to-date with industry news .
    To be a good disseminator you need to know how to share information and outside views effectively, which means that good communication skills are vital.
    Learn how to share organizational information with Team Briefings . Next, focus on improving your writing skills . You might also want to take our communication skills quiz , to find out where else you can improve.
    To be effective in this role, make sure that you know how to represent your organization at a conference . You may also want to read our articles ondelivering great presentations and working with the media (if applicable to your role).
    To improve here, build on your change management skills, and learn what not to do when implementing change in your organization. You'll also need to work on your problem solving and creativity skills , so that you can come up with new ideas, and implement them successfully.
    Disturbance Handler
    In this role, you need to excel at conflict resolution and know how to handle team conflict . It's also helpful to be able to manage emotion in your team .
    Resource Allocator
    To improve as a resource allocator, learn how to manage a budget , cut costs , and prioritize , so that you can make the best use of your resources. You can also use VRIO Analysis to learn how to get the best results from the resources available to you.
    Improve your negotiation skills by learning about Win-Win Negotiation andDistributive Bargaining .

  16. As a manager, you probably fulfill many different roles every day.

    For instance, as well as leading your team, you might find yourself resolving a conflict, negotiating new contracts, representing your department at a board meeting, or approving a request for a new computer system.

    Put simply, you're constantly switching roles as tasks, situations, and expectations change.

    Management expert and professor, Henry Mintzberg, recognized this. He argued that there are ten primary roles or behaviors that can be used to categorize a manager's different functions.

    In this article we'll examine these roles, and we'll see how you can use your understanding of them to improve your management skills.

    The Roles

    The ten roles are:
    Disturbance Handler.
    Resource Allocator.

    1) TECHNICAL SKILL: technical skill is the ability to use equipment or procedures of specifis work...

    2) HUMAN SKILL: human skill is the ability to work with subordinates...

    3) CONCEPTUAL SKILL: conceptual skill is the ability to analyse and diagnose complex situation or problem...

  18. Applying the Model

    You can use Mintzberg's 10 Management Roles model as a frame of reference when you're thinking about developing your own skills and knowledge. (This includes developing yourself in areas that you consciously or unconsciously shy away from.)

    First, examine how much time you currently spend on each role. Do you spend most of your day leading? Managing conflict? Disseminating information? This will help you decide which areas to work on first.

    Next, get a piece of paper and write out all ten roles. Score yourself from 1-5 on each one, with 1 being "Very skilled" to 5 being "Not skilled at all."

    Once you've identified your weak areas, use the following resources to start improving your abilities in each role.


    Figureheads represent their teams. If you need to improve or build confidence in this area, start with your image, behavior, and reputation . Cultivate humility and empathy , learn how to set a good example at work , and think about how to be a good role model .


    This is the role you probably spend most of your time fulfilling. To improve here, start by taking our quiz, How Good Are Your Leadership Skills? This will give you a thorough understanding of your current abilities.

    Next, learn how to be an authentic leader , so your team will respect you. Also, focus on improving your emotional intelligence – this is an important skill for being an effective leader.


    To improve your liaison skills, work on your professional networking techniques. You may also like to take our Bite-Sized Training course on Networking Skills.


    To improve here, learn how to gather information effectively and overcome information overload . Also, use effective reading strategies , so that you can process material quickly and thoroughly, and learn how to keep up-to-date with industry news .


    To be a good disseminator you need to know how to share information and outside views effectively, which means that good communication skills are vital.

    Learn how to share organizational information with Team Briefings . Next, focus on improving your writing skills . You might also want to take our communication skills quiz , to find out where else you can improve.


    To be effective in this role, make sure that you know how to represent your organization at a conference . You may also want to read our articles on delivering great presentations and working with the media (if applicable to your role).


    To improve here, build on your change management skills, and learn what not to do when implementing change in your organization. You'll also need to work on your problem solving and creativity skills , so that you can come up with new ideas, and implement them successfully.

    Disturbance Handler

    In this role, you need to excel at conflict resolution and know how to handle team conflict . It's also helpful to be able to manage emotion in your team .

    Resource Allocator

    To improve as a resource allocator, learn how to manage a budget , cut costs , and prioritize , so that you can make the best use of your resources. You can also use VRIO Analysis to learn how to get the best results from the resources available to you.


    Improve your negotiation skills by learning about Win-Win Negotiation and Distributive Bargaining .

    You might also want to read our article on role-playing – this technique can help you prepare for difficult negotiations.

  19. Different skills required by Managers:

    to set priorities, delegate, motivate and develop your people, coach them to become top performers and communicate objectives and goals.

    to get your point across, create a compelling presentation to support your goals and get buy-in for ideas, inspire others to achieve better results and demonstrate emotional intelligence.

    so you can value and celebrate differences, build rapport, form alliances and negotiate effectively.

    to approach problem solving logically, research options, avoid biases and focus on meaningful data to draw the right conclusions—even under pressure.

    to weigh the dollars-and-cents implications of your decisions—including the ability to build a sound budget and formulate reasonable forecasts.

    to grasp the scope and objectives of projects, recognize the roles and responsibilities of others, use PM tools to stay on track and become an effective member of a cross-functional team.

  20. A manager’s role is very crucial in an organization. The success of organization depends upon manager’s ability in utilizing the resources for achieving the pre determined goals. Henry Mintzberg suggested three areas where a manger has to work.

    · Interpersonal Role

    · Informational Role

    · Decisional Role

    Interpersonal Role

    Interpersonal roles of a manger are concerned with his interacting with people both inside the organization and outsiders. There are three types of interpersonal roles.

    Figure Head: In figure head role manager performs activities which are ceremonial and symbolic nature. These include greeting the visitors attending the social functions involving employees, handing out merit certificates and other awards to outstanding employees.

    Leader: Manager’s leader role involves leading his subordinates and motivating them for willing contributions. Manager is responsible for activities of his subordinates. He has to set example of hard work and dedication so that subordinate follow his directions with respect.

    Liaison Role: In liaison role manager serves as a connecting link between his and outsiders or between his unit and other organizational units.

    Informational Role

    Informational role involves receiving collecting of information and distributing them as required. It is of three types

    Monitor: In monitoring role manager collects the information which can affect the organizational activities by reading magazines and periodicals, reports from the departments, talking with others to learn changes in the public’s taste.

    Disseminator: In disseminator role manger distribute the information to his subordinates and superiors by sending circulars, holding meetings and making phone calls.

    Spokesperson: In spokesperson role the manager represents his organization or unit with interacting with outsiders. These may customer, financer, govt. suppliers or other agencies in society. It can be done by attending press conferences, meetings and by issuing notices.

    Decisional Role:

    It is very important role. Manager has to take decisions daily. In decisional role he performs four roles.

    Entrepreneur: As an entrepreneur the manger assumes certain risks which can affect the organization. He has to take decisions like expansion or diversification, initiation of new projects, development of older procedures etc.

    As a Conflict Handler: As a conflict handler he has to take care of certain disturbance in organization such as resolving employee disputes and strikes etc.

    Resource Allocator: As a resource allocator managers fulfill the demand of various units in terms of human physical and financial. He tries to utilize these resources in such way that no department suffers for their inadequacy.

    Negotiator: As negotiator manager has to take decisions regarding prices with suppliers and customers. He also deals with trade unions and negotiates with them regarding working conditions and wage fixation.

  21. Required skills:
    1. Leadership and People Management

    Attract, retain, motivate, coach and develop team members for high performance

    2. Communication Skills

    Communicate, present, assert, speak senior management language

    3. Collaboration Skills

    Influence, build relationships, navigate politics, manage conflicts, negotiate

    4. Business Management Skills

    Understand strategy, business functions, decision-making and workflow

    5. Finance Skills

    Budget, forecast, manage cash flow, understand financial statements, manage business metrics

    6. Project Management Skills

    Plan and manage successful projects, manage risks, costs, time and project teams

  22. skills of manager

    to set priorities, delegate, motivate and develop your people, coach them to become top performers and communicate objectives and goals.

    to get your point across, create a compelling presentation to support your goals and get buy-in for ideas, inspire others to achieve better results and demonstrate emotional intelligence.

    so you can value and celebrate differences, build rapport, form alliances and negotiate effectively.

    to approach problem solving logically, research options, avoid biases and focus on meaningful data to draw the right conclusions—even under pressure.

    to weigh the dollars-and-cents implications of your decisions—including the ability to build a sound budget and formulate reasonable forecasts.

    to grasp the scope and objectives of projects, recognize the roles and responsibilities of others, use PM tools to stay on track and become an effective member of a cross-functional team.

  23. Managerial roles and skill are as follows:
    -Informational roles
    -Decisional roles
    -Interpersonal roles
    This involves the role of assimilating and disseminating information as and when required. Following are the main sub-roles, which managers often perform:
    Monitor – Collecting information from organizations, both from inside and outside of the organization.
    Disseminator – Communicating information to organizational members.
    Spokesperson – Representing the organization to outsiders.

    It involves decision making. Again, this role can be sub-divided into the following:
    Entrepreneur – Initiating new ideas to improve organizational performance.
    Disturbance handlers – Taking corrective action to cope with adverse situations.
    Resource allocators – Allocating human, Physical, and Monetary resources.
    Negotiator – Negotiating with trade unions, or any other stakeholders.

    This role involves activities with people working in the organization. This is supportive role for informational and decisional roles. Interpersonal roles can be categorized under three sub-heading:
    Figurehead – Ceremonial and symbolic role.
    Leadership – Leading Organization in terms of recruiting, motivating etc.
    Liaison – Associating with external bodies and public relations activities.
    Managerial Skills: Katz [1974] have identified three essential Management skills:

    Technical Skills
    Human Skills, and
    Conceptual Skills
    Technical Skills: The ability is to apply specialized knowledge or expertise. All jobs require some specialized expertise, and many people develop their technical skills on the job. Vocational and on-the-job training programs can be used to develop this type of skill.
    Human Skills: This is the ability to work with, understand and motivate other people (both individually and a group). This requires sensitivity towards others issues and concerns. People, who are proficient in technical skill, but not with interpersonal skills, may face difficulty to manage their subordinates, to acquire the Human Skill, it is pertinent to recognize the feelings and sentiments of others, ability to motivate others even in adverse situation, and communicate own feelings to others in a positive and inspiring way.
    Conceptual Skills: This is an ability to critically analyze, diagnose a situation and forward a feasible solution. It requires creative thinking, generating options and choosing the best available option.

  24. The ten roles are:
    1. Figurehead.
    2. Leader.
    3. Liaison.
    4. Monitor.
    5. Disseminator.
    6. Spokesperson.
    7. Entrepreneur.
    8. Disturbance Handler.
    9. Resource Allocator.

  25. A manager’s role is very crucial in an organization. The success of organization depends upon manager’s ability in utilizing the resources for achieving the pre determined goals. Henry Mintzberg suggested three areas where a manger has to work. They are as follows:-
    1.Figurehead – As a manager, you have social, ceremonial and legal responsibilities. You're expected to be a source of inspiration. People look up to you as a person with authority, and as a figurehead.
    2.Leader – This is where you provide leadership for your team, your department or perhaps your entire organization; and it's where you manage the performance and responsibilities of everyone in the group.
    3.Liaison – Managers must communicate with internal and external contacts. You need to be able to network effectively on behalf of your organization.

    The three skills of managers are as follows:-

    1) TECHNICAL SKILL: technical skill is the ability to use equipment or procedures of specifis work...

    2) HUMAN SKILL: human skill is the ability to work with subordinates...

    3) CONCEPTUAL SKILL: conceptual skill is the ability to analyse and diagnose complex situation

  26. Different types of managerial skills:
    Time Management Skills
    Conflict Management Skills
    Self Management Skills
    Team Management Skills
    People Management Skills
    Office Management Skills
    Change Management Skills

  27. Time Management Skills
    There’s a saying “time is money” and nothing could be more true than in the business world.
    A skilled manager will be able to ensure that the employee’s time is used widely and in a productive manner. Regardless of the type of business idle time costs company’s money, because the employee is still being paid. A top notch manager will be able to organize and delegate tasks so that there is minimal idle time. This includes creating schedules for the day/week/month, allocating time according to the task at hand, and breaking projects into manageable segments, then overseeing the entire process to confirm the plan is working.

    Team Management Skills
    Team management is a key part of every organization.
    Whether the team already exists or you are putting a team together it’s a challenge that the team leader must be strong enough to face. Let’s look at some of the key things the team manager is accountable for and the associated skills.

  28. Skills of manager:
    1.Leadership and People Management: Attract, retain, motivate, coach and develop team members for high performance

    2. Communication Skills: Communicate, present, assert, speak senior management language

    3. Collaboration Skills: Influence, build relationships, navigate politics, manage conflicts, negotiate

    4. Business Management Skills:Understand strategy, business functions, decision-making and workflow

  29. Roles of Manager
    Interpersonal Role:- This role is subdivided into three roles
    Figurehead role
    Leader role
    Liaison role

    Informational Role:-
    Monitor role
    Disseminator role
    Spokesperson role

    Decisional Role:-
    Entrepreneurship role
    Disturbance handler role
    Resource Allocator role
    Negotiator role

  30. The success of organization depends upon manager’s ability in utilizing the resources for achieving the determined goals.The manager requires different types of skills, they are-
    1. Technical skills
    2. Interpersonal skills
    3. Conceptual skills
    4. Diagnostic skills
    5. Communication skills
    6. Leadership skills
