Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Unit 1(P18): Environmental context: Ethics and Social Responsibiltiy

  • Ethics is an individual personal belief about a behavior, action or decision is right or wrong.
  • Ethical behavior differs form person to person.
  • Ethical behavior conforms to generally accepted social norms.
  • Unethical behavior does not conform to generally accepted social norms.
  • Ethics is also different from legally responsible because a behavior might not be defined as illegal, yet be unethical.
Managerial ethics: 
Standard of behavior that guide individual mangers in evaluating and knowing "right from wrong" in a specific situation. There are two broad areas associated with the concept of managerial ethics: 
  • Managerial mischief: includes "illegal, unethical, or questionable practices of individual managers or organizations, as well as the causes of such behaviors and remedies to eradicate them, and 
  • Moral mazes: the "moral mazes of management" include the numerous ethical problems that managers must deal with on a daily basis, such as potential conflicts of interest, wrongful use of resources, mismanagement of contracts and agreements, and misuse of power and influence.
 Three areas of concern for managers under managerial ethics are:
  • How an organization Treats its Employees
  • How Employees treat the organization
  • How employees and the organization treat other Economic Agents

Social Responsibility: 
  • Social responsibility of business look towards their stakeholders, towards the natural environment, and toward general social welfare
  • Social responsibility of business refers to all such duties and obligations of business directed towards the welfare of society.  
  • These duties can be a part of the routine functions of carrying on business activity or they may be an additional function of carrying out welfare activity. 
  • Social responsibility implies that a businessman should not do anything harmful to the society in course of his business activities.
  • Thus, the concept of social responsibility discourages businessmen from adopting unfair means like black-marketing, hoarding, adulteration, tax evasion and cheating customers etc. to earn profit. 
  • Instead, it encourages them to earn profit through judicious management of the business, by providing better working and living conditions to its employees, providing better products, after sales-service, etc. to its customers and simultaneously to control pollution and conserve natural resources.
Approaches to social Responsibility:
  • Obstructionist: Are business that believes no responsibility towards society and may violate prevailing laws, they behave unethically and illegally. The firms do not do any thing to address social or environmental problems.
  • Defensive: stay and abide with in law and commitment to ethical behavior, but makes no attempt to exercise social responsibility beyond what the law dictates. Looking forward for benefit outweighing the cost.
  • Accommodative: organizational members behave legally and ethically (by balancing their interest). Makes attempt to support social responsibility and decision that seems reasonable for the society. Voluntary participate in social programs, if the program are worthy of its support.
  • Proactive: Being both legal and responsible, Business should abide all legal matters and also take proactive action and support social causes .they believe in protecting and improving environment in which it survives viewing itself as a citizen of the very society.
Areas of social Responsibility:
Social responsibility of business look towards their stakeholders (Creditors, customers, local community, suppliers, employees, interest group, trade association, owners/ investors, courts, colleges and universities, foreign government, local government), towards the natural environment, and toward general social welfare
Organizational Stakeholders:
  • Consumers: reasonable price, quality product, truthful advertising, fair treatment, healthy and safety of customer, fair prices, honor warranties, meet delivery commitments,
  • Shareholders/ investors: dividends, disclosure of information, respect, follow proper accounting procedure, interest,
  • Employees: fair wage, right to union, good working condition, different schemes and benefits packages,  respect their dignity and make available of basic human needs, empowering employees, creating teams, carrier development, training opportunities
  • Government and society: taxes, following laws, respect human rights, protect environment, help in reducing social and economic problem like unemployment, poverty, increase export, 
  • The natural environment: develop alternative methods of handling sewage, hazardous wastes, and ordinary garbage; contribute towards global warming, acid rain and depletion of ozone layer, recycling, reusing, Eco  friendly environment, alternative transportation to and for work, energy saving environment.
  • General social welfare: contribution:  to charities, philanthropic organization, and non profit foundations and association, supporting: public radios, television, taking initiative in improving public health and education, and reducing: political, economic and social inequalities.
Managing Social Responsibility:
Formal organizational Dimensions
  • Legal Compliance: the extent to which an organization complies with local, state, federal and international laws.
  • Ethical compliance: the extent to which an organization and its members follow basic ethical standards of behavior.
  • Philanthropic Giving: Awarding funds or gifts to charities or other worthy causes.
Informal Organizational Dimensions:
  • Organizational Leadership and culture: Leadership practices and organization culture can go a long way to ward defining the social responsibility stance  an organization and its members will adopt.
  • Whistle Blowing: the disclosing by an employee of illegal or unethical conduct on the part of others within the organization.


    Ethics: An individual's personal beliefs about whether a behavior,action,or decision is right or wrong.
    Ethical behavior: Behavior that conforms to generally accepted social norms.
    Unethical behavior: Behavior that does not conform to generally accepted social norms.

  2. Managerial ethics:Managerial ethics standards of behavior that guide individual managers in their work.The three basic areas of concern for managerial ethics are the relationships of the firm to the employee, the employee to the firm, and the firm to other economic agents.Managers need to approach each set of relationships from an ethical and moral perspective.
    Approaches to social responsibility :
    a) Obstructional approach
    b)Deffensive approach
    c)Accommodative approach
    d)Proactive approach

    Areas of social responsibility
    Towards consumers:
    -change reasonable prices for products,
    -truthful and socially responsible advertising,
    -treat customers fairly in all respects of the business transactions.

    Towards shareholders:
    -regular payment of dividend,
    -discourse relevant information to shareholders subject only to legal requirements and competitive constraints,
    -respect shareholder's requests,suggestions,complaints,and formal resolutions,and
    -report on social issues.

    Towards government and society:
    -regular and correct payment of taxes,
    -faithful application of business laws,
    -help to maintain the social order through their proper business actions.

  3. Ethics are the moral codes that govern behavior of a person or group of people regarding what is right and wrong. These moral codes revolve around established values and principles and may not be the same from culture to culture. Ethics point the way to a particular course of action defining acceptable behaviors and choices. Managerial ethics are a set of standards that dictate the conduct of a manager operating within a workplace.
    A complex workplace can be transformed into a less-complicated landscape when thought is given to establishing some ground rules. Companies that incorporate a set of managerial ethics or guidelines create a clear path for managers to reference during tough decision-making scenarios. Creating a managerial code of conduct requires some basic information on what ethics are, examples of what might be included and ideas about how to establish managerial ethics in the workplace.

    Social responsibility is an ethical theory that an entity, be it an organization or individual, has an obligation to act to benefit society at large. Social responsibility is a duty every individual has to perform so as to maintain a balance between the economy and the ecosystems.It refers to the duties and obligations of business directed towards the welfare of society.

    Approaches to SR:
    Obstructionist:A business that do not work for the benefits of society and violates the laws and orders they behave unethically. They do not do any thing for the society and the environment.
    Defensive:They stay with in the law and are committed to ethical behavior, but do not complete their social responsibilities until and unless they get certain benefits from it.
    Accomodative: all the members act ethically and legally. They try to support social events and voluntary participate in social programs.
    Proactive: Proactive refers to being legal and responsible .They conserve the environment where they exist and complete the duties of being a citizen of a nation.

    Areas of social responsibility:
    Shareholders:The social responsibilty of a business towards share holders can be achieved by providing dividends,letting them know about what is happening in the organization, provide interest and respect to the investors and soon.
    Customers:Social responsibility towards customers can be fulfilled by providing quality product at reasonable price, proper advertisement and adequate services.
    Employees:Social responsibility towards employees can be achieved by providing appropriate wage, suitable working condition, bonuses, respecting the work they do and their talents, provide various training and workshops,giv ethem freedom to join labour unions, etc.

    Government :By paying taxes on time and following the laws,rules and regulations the SR towards government can be achieved.
    Society:By helping the needy people who are deprived from the basic needs,protecting the environment and helping to solve the unemployment and reducing poverty the social responsibility of a business towards society can be achieved.

  4. Ethics
    ethics or integrity is the basic concepts and fundamental principles of decent human conduct.

    Managerial Ethics
    Ethics code assembled by a company to guide its managers that is it outlines duties the manager has to do to his employees.

    managerial ethics address two separate areas: principles and policies. Principle-based ethics outline what is considered fair and ethical in the scope of the workplace and might include information about departmental boundaries or use of company equipment. Policy-based managerial ethics refer to conflicts of interest, the right response to gifts from vendors or business partners, or the handling of proprietary information.

    Social responsibility means eliminating corrupt, irresponsible or unethical behavior that might bring harm to the community, its people, or the environment before the behavior happens.

    It is the idea that companies should embrace its social responsibilities and not be solely focused on maximizing profits.Social Responsibility looks for all of the company stakeholders like consumer, shareholders, government, community,etc

    I have looked at the site of Nepal Investment Bank .Some of the major initiatives taken by NIBL towards the society welfare are
    = The bank donated Rs. 900,000 to UNHCR as a part of its ongoing support for providing educational supplies for Bhutanese refugee students.
    = The bank donated Rs. 75,000 for Nepal Children’s Organization (NCO), an organization that has been committed to improving the lives of children throughout Nepal since 1964.
    = NIBL organized a charity event to aid Pashupati Briddashram, which is the oldest old-age home in Nepal
    = NIBL made a contribution of Rs. 15,000 to the Hospital and Rehabilitation Centre for Disabled Children (HRDC)
    = Shrawan NIBL sponsored Rs. 600,000.01 to Friends Club, a Nepalese football club playing in the ‘A’ division league in Nepal.
    Basically NIBL is involved in community welfare.

  5. Is there any difference between corporate social responsibility(CSR) and social responsibility sir?

  6. Business ethics are the moral values and principles set forth for a company or market. Proper business ethics are vital for a business to be successful, providing quality care and honesty to consumers.
    Managerial ethics is the important issue today. Business organizations are being questioned and challenged for their unethical behaviour. Ethical issues arise in every facet of business. Therefore, the subject of ethics is now receiving serious attention in management circles. Managers are expected to have a general awareness of the ethical dimention of business. Business firms are encouraged to develop mechanisms to monitor, control and evaluate the implementation of ethical codes. Ethical behaviour enhances the reputation and goodwill of a business.
    Social responsibilities of business became an extremely board and deep subject. The idea od social responsibility is that business firms are obliged to take actions, which protect and improve the welfare of the society of the business asa whole along with their own interests. In this way, harmony is achieved between business actions and social aspirations.
    Jones, George an Hill have identified four different approaches to corporate social responsibilities.They are: (i) obstructional approach (ii) defensive approach (iii) accomodative approach (iv) proactive approach. Organization's commitment to social responsibilities ranges from low to high. At the lower end is the obstructional approach. At the highest end is the proactive approach.

  7. From the above description i can conclude that ethics can be defined as rules of behavior based on ideas about what is morally good and bad.Managerial ethics refers to the actions and beliefs of a manager as they act on behalf of the company. They are based on moral values of both the manager and the company's code of conduct. Three areas of concern for managers under managerial ethics are:
    1.How an organization Treats its Employees
    2.How Employees treat the organization
    3.How employees and the organization treat other Economic
    Social responsibilities refer to: acting with concern and sensitivity, aware of the impact of your actions on others, particularly the disadvantaged.In a business organization, it may refer to a company’s sense of responsibility towards the community and environment (both ecological and social) in which it operates. Companies express this citizenship (1) through their waste and pollution reduction processes, (2) by contributing educational and social programs, and (3) by earning adequate returns on the employed resources.Social responsibility of business also look towards their stakeholders,employees,consumers,etc.

  8. Environmental ethics is becoming an important issue for many companies and businesses as there is a greater push for corporate responsibility. Leaders of organizations of all sizes and in all sectors face a growing number of issues related to ethical behavior, particularly in terms of environmental responsibility. As global understanding of the significant ecological and environmental ethics issues we face expands and moves to the forefront of debates, it is even more important for leaders to take action to both remedy the causes of the problem and to act as models for other organizations and individuals. Although there are many examples of responsible corporate and organizational environmental governance and behavior, there is yet to emerge a global initiative aimed at changing the face of environmentally ethical and responsible action that will promote further corporate responsibility. This lack of understanding of issues of environmental ethics and corporate responsibility occurs for a number of a reasons, one of which could be because of a lack of global consensus on the importance of taking the necessary steps to remedy the problem. As one scholar notes, "In our pluralistic societies, there is no uncontested common ethical ground in general and no undisputed conception of environmental responsibility in particular" (Enderle 2006) and as a result there is little unified action. If this assessment is valid then it is necessary to first define a clear set of issues and resolutions that organizations and leaders can agree upon.
    One issue related to environmental ethics in the corporate and organizational sphere is that most will concur is vital for all leaders is that there cannot be any fuzzy distinctions between what is good for business versus what is good for the environment. In other words, the consensus must be that there should be a hierarchy of interests-one which places environmental and sustainability concerns at the peak. "The claim is that the various benefits and harms of development are incommensurable and not easily weighed, involving differences between global and local goods-the benefits of selling wood fiber for local populations versus the possible global benefits of a potential cure for cancer or a contribution to the reduction in greenhouse gases...Whose interests count for more?" (Light 2002). In short, the interests of the global good should always outweigh those of the short-term monetary or other gains produced by unethical or unsustainable practices and leadership decisions. Leaders in both business and civil society have focused too much on the friction between them and not enough on the points of intersection. The mutual dependence of corporations and society implies that "both business decisions and social policies must follow the principle of shared value. That is, choices must benefit both sides. If either a business or a society pursues policies that benefit its interests at the expense of the other, it will find itself on a dangerous path

  9. Ethics: Business ethics is the accepted set of moral values and corporate standards of conduct in a business organization. The specifics of what this actually means can vary from one organization to another.

    Managerial ethics:Managerial ethics refers to the actions and beliefs of a manager as they act on behalf of the company. They are based on moral values of both the manager and as are typically spelled out as part of the firm's code of conduct.

    Social responsibility: Social responsibility entails developing businesses with a positive relationship to the society which they operate in. According to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), this relationship to the society and environment in which they operate is "a critical factor in their ability to continue to operate effectively. It is also increasingly being used as a measure of their overall performance."

  10. Managerial ethics is an important issue today .business organization are being questioned and charged for their behavior .ethics arise in every facts of business .organization are being labeled against them for their unethical action by different section of the society .manager cannot afford to overlook such criticisms and charges .their role has thus, increased .they have now to encourage employees to adopt ethical behaviour and be responsive. the call for better business ethical is clearly a challenge for manager today

  11. Social responsiveness refers to the ability of a firm to implement policies and take part in activities that would benefit both society and the firm. The following categories are generally considered when measuring social responsiveness: contributions, fund-raising, volunteerism, recycling, diversity policies, direct corporate investment, quality of work life, attention to consumers and pollution control. The need to measure social responsiveness led to the development of social audits. Social audits are of two types - audits required by the government and voluntary audits.

    Although social audits are not legally mandatory, many organizations make social involvement disclosures in their annual reports. This shows the growing concern among major firms about their social responsibility. The ethical conduct of an organization depends on the ethical standards of its managers. Three types of management have been identified, depending on the ethical or moral nature of their decisions. These are moral, amoral and immoral management. Moral management is in the best interests of the organization in the long run.

    However, most companies follow the principles of amoral management. To conduct business in an ethical manner, managers should be aware of the factors that affect ethical behavior. Through mechanisms such as top management commitment, code of ethics, ethics committees, ethics audits, ethics training and ethics hotlines, managers can inculcate ethical behavior in the employees.

  12. Ethics:
    Ethics is an individual personal belief about a behavior, action or decision is right or wrong.
    Ethical behavior differs form person to person.
    Ethical behavior conforms to generally accepted social norms.
    Unethical behavior does not conform to generally accepted social norms.
    Ethics is also different from legally responsible because a behavior might not be defined as illegal, yet be unethical.

    Managerial ethics:Managerial ethics refers to the actions and beliefs of a manager as they act on behalf of the company. They are based on moral values of both the manager and as are typically spelled out as part of the firm's code of conduct.

    Social responsibility: Social responsibility entails developing businesses with a positive relationship to the society which they operate in. According to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), this relationship to the society and environment in which they operate is "a critical factor in their ability to continue to operate effectively. It is also increasingly being used as a measure of their overall performance."

  13. Management ethics is the ethical treatment of employees, stockholders, owners, and the public by a company. A company, while needing to make a profit, should have good ethics. Employees should be treated well, whether they are employed here or overseas. By being respectful of the environment in the community a company shows good ethics, and good, honest records also show respect to stockholders and owners.

    Ethics and ethical behavior are the essential parts of healthy management. From a management perspective, behaving ethically is an integral part of long - term career success. Wide access to information and more business opportunities than in the past makes ethics a need in modern business world.

  14. Ethics are the moral codes that govern behavior of a person or group of people regarding what is right and wrong. These moral codes revolve around established values and principles and may not be the same from culture to culture. Ethics point the way to a particular course of action defining acceptable behaviors and choices. Managerial ethics are a set of standards that dictate the conduct of a manager operating within a workplace.
    Social responsibility: Social responsibility entails developing businesses with a positive relationship to the society which they operate in. According to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), this relationship to the society and environment in which they operate is "a critical factor in their ability to continue to operate effectively. It is also increasingly being used as a measure of their overall performance."

  15. Ethics are an individual's personal beliefs about what constitutes right and wrong behavior. Important areas of ethical concern for managers are how the organization treats its employees, how employees treat the organization, and how the organization and its employees treat other economic agents. The ethical context of organizations consists of each manager's individual ethics and messages sent by organizational practices. Organizations use leadership, culture, training, codes, and guidelines to help them manage ethical behavior.
    Social responsibility is the set of obligations an organization has to protect and enhance the society in which it functions. Organizations may be considered responsible to their stakeholders, to the natural environment, and to the general social welfare. Even so, organizations present strong arguments both for and against social responsibility. The approach an organization adopts toward social responsibility falls along a continuum of lesser to greater commitment: the obstructionist stance, the defensive stance, the accommodative stance, and the proactive stance.

    Government influences organizations through regulation, which is the establishment of laws and rules that dictate what businesses can and cannot do in prescribed areas. Organizations, in turn, rely on personal contacts, lobbying, political action committees, and favors to influence the government.

    Organizations use three types of activities to formally manage social responsibility: legal compliance, ethical compliance, and philanthropic giving. Leadership, culture, and allowing for whistle blowing are informal means for managing social responsibility. Organizations should evaluate the effectiveness of their socially responsible practices as they would any other strategy.

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  18. •Ethics: Ethics are the moral codes that govern behavior of a person or group of people regarding what is right and wrong. These moral codes revolve around established values and principles and may not be the same from culture to culture. Ethics point the way to a particular course of action defining acceptable behaviors and choices. Managerial ethics are a set of standards that dictate the conduct of a manager operating within a workplace.

    • Managerial ethics: Managerial ethics refers to the moral guidance a supervisor provides his employees. No one ethical approach is universally accepted, so each small business owner must choose his own approach to ethical management. Many ethical approaches exist, each with a distinct twist on what it means to behave ethically.

    • Approaches to Social Responsibilities:
    -Obstructionist: A business that do not work for the benefits of society and violates the laws and orders they behave unethically. They do not do any thing for the society and the environment.

    - Defensive: They stay with in the law and are committed to ethical behavior, but do not complete their social responsibilities until and unless they get certain benefits from it.

    -Accomodative: All the members act ethically and legally. They try to support social events and voluntary participate in social programs.

    -Proactive: Proactive refers to being legal and responsible .They conserve the environment where they exist and complete the duties of being a citizen of a nation.

    • Areas of social responsibility

    Responsibilities towards consumers:
    -change reasonable prices for products,
    -truthful and socially responsible advertising,
    -treat customers fairly in all respects of the business transactions.

    Responsibilities towards shareholders:
    -regular payment of dividend,
    -discourse relevant information to shareholders subject only to legal requirements and competitive constraints,
    -respect shareholder's requests, suggestions, complaints,and formal resolutions
    -report on social issues.

    Responsibilities towards government and society:
    -regular and correct payment of taxes,
    -faithful application of business laws,
    -help to maintain the social order through their proper business actions.

  19. Ethics are the moral codes that govern behavior of a person or group of people regarding what is right and wrong. These moral codes revolve around established values and principles and may not be the same from culture to culture. Ethics point the way to a particular course of action defining acceptable behaviors and choices. Managerial ethics are a set of standards that dictate the conduct of a manager operating within a workplace

  20. Ethics:
    Ethics is an individual personal belief about a behavior, action or decision is right or wrong.
    Ethical behavior differs form person to person.
    Ethical behavior conforms to generally accepted social norms.
    Unethical behavior does not conform to generally accepted social norms.
    Ethics is also different from legally responsible because a behavior might not be defined as illegal, yet be unethical.

    Managerial ethics: Managerial ethics refers to the moral guidance a supervisor provides his employees. No one ethical approach is universally accepted, so each small business owner must choose his own approach to ethical management. Many ethical approaches exist, each with a distinct twist on what it means to behave ethically.

    Social responsibility: Social responsibility entails developing businesses with a positive relationship to the society which they operate in. According to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), this relationship to the society and environment in which they operate is "a critical factor in their ability to continue to operate effectively. It is also increasingly being used as a measure of their overall performance."

  21. Managerial ethics is an important issue today .business organization are being questioned and charged for their behavior .ethics arise in every facts of business .organization are being labeled against them for their unethical action by different section of the society .manager cannot afford to overlook such criticisms and charges .their role has thus, increased .they have now to encourage employees to adopt ethical behaviour and be responsive. the call for better business ethical is clearly a challenge for manager today

  22. The study of the general nature of morals and of the specific moral choices to be made by a person,moral philosophy.Ethics is an individual personal belief about a behavior, action or decision is right or wrong.Ethical behavior differs form person to person.

    Managerial ethics:Managerial ethics refers to the actions and beliefs of a manager as they act on behalf of the company. They are based on moral values of both the manager and as are typically spelled out as part of the firm's code of conduct.
