Thursday, April 17, 2014

Long Question Review:

1. Define leadership? Explain trait approach to leadership? States its limitation(3+5+3)
2. Define leadership? Explain Fiedler Contingency model.(3+7)
3. Define Behavioral approach to leadership. Explain the managerial Grid. (3+7)
4. Define leadership? Explain leadership Function.(3+7)
5. Define Staffing and its importance? Explain Human Resource Management System. (2+3+5)
6. Define organizing. Explain the emerging concepts in organizing. (3+7)
7. Define organizing. Explain Matrix structure.(3+7)
8. Define job design. Explain different approaches to job design.(3+7)
9. What is decision making? Explain the process of decision making. (3+7)
10. What is decision making? Explain various styles in decision making? Which is most effective style, why?(2+6+2)
11. What is group decision making? State its disadvantage and explain any two methods of making decision in group.(2+2+6)
12. Planning is the first activity of an organization; comment. Discuss process of planning for business. (5+5)
13. How strategic planning differs from operational planning? Explain the process of formulation of strategic plan. (5+5)
14. Why is goal important for an organization? Describe goal formulation process. (5+5)
15. Define business environment? Assess the emerging business environment of Nepal.(3+7)
16. Differentiate between internal and external environment of business. What are the components of task environment?(5+5)
17. What do you understand by business environment? Explain different component of external environment. (3+7)
18. What is social responsibility? Enumerate different approaches to social responsibility which one do you prefer why? (3+7)
19. What is managerial ethics and its significance? What are areas of concern for managers under managerial ethics?(2+3+5)
20. State and explain the “system approach” and “contingency approach” of management as the integrating approach of managing an organization. (10)
21. Differentiate between scientific management and administrative management schools of thought. Which school of thought do you think is more applicable in organization, why?(7+3)
22. Define management. What are the major issues and challenges that managers confront today?(3+7)
23. Explain different skills required by manger? Do managers equally need these skills at different levels?(6+4)
24. Define management. The true reality of management: "Most managers engage in more than one function at a time and often move back and forth between the function in unpredictable ways". Agree or Disagree, and why? (2+8)
25. Highlight the Henry Fayol’s fourteen universal principles of management. (10)
26. Describe the roles of a manager as identifies by Henry Mintzberg.(10)

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