Thursday, April 17, 2014

Unit 3 (P29) Staffing: concept, objectives and importance


  • Staffing is the process of obtaining and maintaining competent employees to fill all positions
  • Staffing is concerned with the placement, growth and development of all those members of the organization whose function is to get the things done through the efforts of other individuals. Theo Haimann
  • Staffing involves manning the organization structure with people and effective selection, appraisal and development of personnel to fill the roles designed into the structure. Koontz and O. Donnell


  • To ensure availability of competent and dedicated workforce in the organization.
  • To recruit, select and appoint right person to the right job.
  • To develop and incorporate strategy regarding human resource in relation to organization strategic plan.
  • To identify, develop and introduce training and development activities.
  • To build climate of coordination, better communication, trust, belonging  and cooperation among all members.
  • To evaluate performance and motivate employees providing both intrinsic and extrinsic reward.
  • To maintain better human and industrial relation.
  • The societal objectives are socially and ethically responsible for the needs and the challenges of society. 
  • The organizational objectives recognize the role of human resource management in bringing about organizational effectiveness.
  • Functional objectives try to maintain the department’s contribution at a level appropriate to the organizations needs.
  • Personal objectives assist employees in achieving their personal goals, at least insofar as these goals enhance the individual’s contribution to the organization.


  • Better relations between union and management
  • Allocating the jobs to the right person
  • Facilitates professional growth
  • Achieve organizational Objective
  • Job satisfaction
  • Increase in productivity


  1. importance of staffing are;
    - manage effective staff
    -utilization of physical resources
    -increase in productivity
    -focus in goal achievement
    -help to solve problem
    -job satissfaction
    -self development of workers

  2. Staffing is the process of acquiring, deploying, and retaining a workforce of sufficient quantity and quality to create positive impacts on the organization’s effectiveness.

    Objectives of staffing:
    -To ensure the selection of the right kind of people
    -To achieve an effective utilization of human resources
    -To establish and maintain an adequate organizational structure
    -To secure the coordination and integration of the individuals and groups
    -To generate maximum development of individuals and groups
    -To recognize and satisfy individuals needs and group goals
    -To maintain high morale and better human relations

    Importance of staffing:
    -It is the basic function.
    -it ensures the recruitment and selection of right type of people
    -it provides planning for the effective utilization
    -it organizes a proper division of task
    -it provides service to the entire organization
    -it maintain cordial ans amicable job relationship
    -it ensures social justice
    it ensures fair term of work

  3. The term ‘Staffing’ relates to the recruitment, selection, development, training and compensation of the managerial personnel. Staffing, like all other managerial functions, is the duty which the apex management performs at all times. In a newly created enterprise, the staffing would come as a. third step—next to planning and organizing—but in a going enterprise the staffing process is continuous.

    1. Efficient Performance of Other Functions:

    Staffing is the key to the efficient performance of other functions of management. If an organisation does not have competent personnel, it can’t perform planning, organisation and control functions properly.

    2. Effective Use of Technology and Other Resources:

    It is the human factor that is instrumental in the effective utilisation of latest technology, capital, material, etc. the management can ensure right kinds of personnel by performing the staffing function.

    3. Optimum Utilisation of Human Resources:

    The wage bill of big concerns is quite high. They also spend money on recruitment, selection, training and development of employees. In order to get the optimum output from the personnel, the staffing function should be performed in an efficient manner.

    4. Development of Human Capital:

    The management is required to determine the manpower requirements well in advance. It has also to train and develop the existing personnel for career advancement. This will meet the requirements of the company in future.

    5. Motivation of Human Resources:

    The behaviour of individuals is shaped by many factors such as education level, needs, socio-cultural factors, etc. that is why, the human aspect of organisation has become very important. The workers can be motivated through financial and non-financial incentives.

    6. Building Higher Morale:

    Right type of climate should be created for the workers to contribute to the achievement of the organisational objectives. By performing the staffing function effectively, management can show the significance it attaches to the personnel working in the enterprise. This will increase the morale of the employees.

  4. Staffing
    It is the function of manning the organization structure and keeping it manned. Staffing
    has assumed greater importance in the recent years due to advancement of technology,
    increase in size of business, complexity of human behavior etc. The main purpose o
    staffing is to put right man on right job i.e. square pegs in square holes and round pegs
    in round holes. According to Kootz & O’Donell, “Managerial function of staffing involves
    manning the organization structure through proper and effective selection, appraisal &
    development of personnel to fill the roles designed un the structure”. Staffing involves:
    • Manpower Planning (estimating man power in terms of searching, choose the
    person and giving the right place).
    • Recruitment, selection & placement.
    • Training & development.
    • Remuneration.
    • Performance appraisal. • Promotions & transfer.

  5. Importance of Staffing:

    1. Key to other managerial functions. Staffing function is very closely related to other managerial areas of the business. It greatly influences the direction and control in the organization. The effectiveness of other managerial functions depends on the effectiveness of the staffing function.

    2. Building healthy human relationships. Staffing function helps to build proper human relationships in the organization. Smooth human relations is the key to better communication and co-ordination of managerial efforts in an organization.

    3. Human resources development: Skilled and experienced staff is the best asset of a business concern. The staffing function helps developing this asset for the business. It inculcates the corporate culture into the staff which in turn ensures smooth functioning of all the managerial aspects of the business.

    4. Long Term effect: Staffing decisions have long term effect on the efficiency of an organization. Qualified, efficient and well motivated staff is an asset of the organization. Staffing function assumes special significance in the context of globalization which demands high degree of efficiency in maintaining competitiveness.

    5. Potential contribution

    Staff selection should be based on the ability of the prospective employees to meet the future challenges that the organization need to address. Therefore the potential contribution of the staff in their anticipated future roles should also be taken into account in staff selection.

  6. Meaning of Staffing

    The term Staffing in management consists of:
    Selecting the right person for the right post.
    Training and development.
    Giving proper remuneration and motivation.
    Performance appraisal of employees.
    Proper promotions, transfers, etc.

  7. Staffing:
    It is the process of organizing and placing members of organization in proper positions in efficient and effective way.

    To select right person for right post.
    To identify, develop and introduce training and development activities.
    To evaluate the performances of the employee.
    To maintain good relations.
    To reach proper goals.

    Better relations between union and management
    Allocating the jobs to the right person
    Facilitates professional growth
    Achieve organizational Objective
    Job satisfaction
    Increase in productivity

  8. It is the process of organizing and placing members of organization in proper positions in efficient and effective way is known as staffing.It is the function of manging the organization structure.

  9. Meaning of Staffing

    The term Staffing in management consists of:
    Selecting the right person for the right post.
    Training and development.
    Giving proper remuneration and motivation.
    Performance appraisal of employees.
    Proper promotions, transfers, etc.

    To select right person for right post.
    To identify, develop and introduce training and development activities.
    To evaluate the performances of the employee.
    To maintain good relations.
    To reach proper goals.

    Better relations between union and management
    Allocating the jobs to the right person
    Facilitates professional growth
    Achieve organizational Objective
    Job satisfaction
    Increase in productivity

  10. Staffing:-
    It is the process of obtaining and maintaining a work force capable of fulfilling the goals of the organization.

    -staffing is a basic function. it ensures its proper management.
    -staffing ensures the recruitment and selection of the right type of people.
    -it provides planning for the effective utilization of efforts and potentialities of individuals and groups.
    -it organizes a proper divivsion of tasks of an organization in accordance with a sound plan into funtions and positions, each indicating a clear-cut authority, responsibility, duties, and reporting relationships.
    -it provides service to the entire organization.
    -it maintains cordial and amicable job relationship by providing opportunities for self-development through training and promotion programmes.
    -it ensures social justice by uniform application of the rules and regulations with special consideration for unique individual differences of employees.
    -it ensures fair terms of work and congenial work environment.

    -to ensures the selection of the right kind of people needed by the organization to undertake various types of jobs.
    -to achieve an effective utilization of human resources for achievement of organizational goals.
    -to establish and maintain an adequate organizational structure and a desirable working relationship among all members of an organization by dividing the tasks into functions, positions, and jobs.
    -to secure the coordination and intergration of the individuals and groups with the organization.
    -to generate maximum development of individuals and groups within an organization by providing opportunities for advancement to employees through training and job education.
    -to recognize and satisfy individual needs and group goals by offering an adequate and equitable remuneration, social security, and staff welfare.
    -to maintain high morale and better human relations inside an organization.

  11. Staffing is a term used in the sphere of employment. It has been applied to more than one aspect of the working environment.
    Staffing is the process of acquiring, deploying, and retaining a workforce of sufficient quantity and quality to create positive impacts on the organization’s effectiveness.

  12. staffing:The selection and training of individuals for specific job functions, and charging them with the associated responsibilities.
    Importance of Staffing Management:
    Many a small business has failed due to financial distress exacerbated by poor human resource management. Human capital should be allocated to maximize productivity. Long-term staff planning undertaken in conjunction with strategic goals secure the skills and abilities needed to achieve those goals. Like any other company asset, human resources should be constantly monitored, assessed and adjusted to ensure the company's future success.

  13. Staffing is the function of manning the organization structure and keeping it manned. Staffing
    has assumed greater importance in the recent years due to advancement of technology,
    increase in size of business, complexity of human behavior etc.

    •Importance of staffing:
    -To manage effective staff
    -To properly utilization the available physical resources
    -To increase the productivity
    -To focus on the achievement of pre-determined goals
    -To help to solve problem
    -To provide job satisfaction to the employees
    -For self development of workers
    -To secure the coordination and integration of the individuals and groups with the organization.
    -To generate maximum development of individuals and groups within an organization by providing opportunities for advancement to employees through training and job education.
    -To recognize and satisfy individual needs and group goals by offering an adequate and equitable remuneration, social security, and staff welfare.
    -To maintain high morale and better human relations inside an organization.

    •Importance of staffing
    - Key to other managerial functions.
    - Building healthy human relationships
    - Human resources development
    - Long Term effect
    -Potential contribution
    -Provides service to the entire organization.
    -Ensures fair terms of work and congenial work environment.

  14. Staffing is the selection and training of individuals for specific job functions, and charging them with the associated responsibilities.

    -To establish and maintain an adequate organizational structure
    -To secure the coordination and integration of the individuals and groups
    -To generate maximum development of individuals and groups

    -Better relations between union and management
    -Allocating the jobs to the right person
    -Facilitates professional growth
    -Achieve organizational Objective
    -Job satisfaction
    -Increase in productivity

  15. Staffing is such function which is performed almost by every organization for the purpose of appointing the right person, at the right job and at the right time. Because we know that man powers are the real assets for every organization. Hence, they should appoint at the right job in order to do a variety of tasks in a well manner.
    Some important purposes or objectives of staffing can be described as under:

    To Determine the source of Recruitment of the Employees: An important purpose of staffing function is to determine the sources of recruitment of the prospective employees to fill up the vacant positions in an organization.

    To Appoint the Deserved Employees: It is also an essential objective of staffing to appoint the deserved candidates at the right job.

    To Train the Employees: Training of the employees (if they need) is also an important purpose of staffing to do specific jobs in a well manner.

    To Proper Allocation of Jobs: The purpose of staffing is to allocate the jobs among the employees according to their ability, talent, aptitude and specializations.

    To Appraisal the Performance of the Employees: It is one of most important purpose of staffing, because to improve the over all performance of the organization, the appraisal of the employees performance is vital.

  16. Staffing is the process of acquiring, deploying, developing and sustaining workers in sufficient quantity and quality for increasing organizations effectiveness.
    importance of staffing are;
    - manage effective staff
    -utilization of physical resources
    -increase in productivity
    -focus in goal achievement
    -help to solve problem
    -job satissfaction
    -self development of workers

  17. Staffing is the process of acquiring, deploying, and retaining a workforce of sufficient quantity and quality to create positive impacts on the organization’s effectiveness.

    Objectives of staffing:
    -To ensure the selection of the right kind of people
    -To achieve an effective utilization of human resources
    -To establish and maintain an adequate organizational structure
    -To secure the coordination and integration of the individuals and groups
    -To generate maximum development of individuals and groups
    -To recognize and satisfy individuals needs and group goals
    -To maintain high morale and better human relations

    Importance of staffing:
    -It is the basic function.
    -it ensures the recruitment and selection of right type of people
    -it provides planning for the effective utilization
    -it organizes a proper division of task
    -it provides service to the entire organization
    -it maintain cordial ans amicable job relationship
    -it ensures social justice
    it ensures fair term of work
