Sunday, May 25, 2014

Short question

Short questions. (Any 10) (10*2=20)
1) What is Organization?
2) What is Management?
3) What is process of management?
4) Who is a manager?
5) What are different levels of manager or management?
6) What are roles of manger?
7) What are different skills required by manger?
8) What is scientific management?
9) What is administrative management?
10) What are different levels of needs stated by Abraham Maslow?
11) What is motivational factor of Herzberg's motivation-hygiene theory?
12) What is Hygiene factor of Herzberg's motivation-hygiene theory?
13) What is system perspective?
14) Mention important element in a system.
15) What is contingency perspective?
16) What is integrating perspectives?
17) What is environment?
18) What are forces of external environment?
19) What are forces of internal environment?
20) What is ethics?
21) What is social Responsibility?
22) What is planning?
23) State steps in planning process.
24) Name different methods of planning.
25) What is Management by objectives?
26) What is Tactical plan?
27) What is operational plan?
28) What is standing plan?
29) What is strategic planning?
30) What is goal?
31) Name different organizational goals?
32) What is decision making?
33) State decision making process.
34) What is SWOT analysis?
35) What are different types of decision?
36) Explain nominal group technique in decision making?
37) What is brain storming?
38) State styles in consultative decision making?
39) How manager makes decision in autocratic decision making style?
40) What are the conditions in which manager makes decisions?
41) What is organizing?
42) Briefly explain any three principles in organizing?
43) Name different approaches to organizing?
44) What is job design?
45) What is job enrichment?
46) What is job enlargement?
47) What is departmentalization?
48) State number of ways in which departmentalization can be done?
49) What is line organization?
50) What is committee organization?
51) What is functional organization?
52) What is matrix organization?
53) What are different situation influencing organizational design?
54) What is informal organization?
55) What is authority and mention its types?
56) What is power and mention different sources of power?
57) What is responsibility?
58) What is delegation of authority?
59) What is decentralization of authority?
60) Define boundary-less organization?
61) What is staffing?
62) State any three components of staffing?
63) Under human resource management system, mention any four processes.
64) Define leadership?
65) Define autocratic leadership.
66) Define democratic leadership.
67) Define Paternalistic leadership.
68) Define Laissez-fair leadership.
69) What are three important elements of Fiedler's contingency Theory?
70) What are two contingency variables of Robert House's path-goal theory?
71) Who is task oriented leader?
72) Who is "people oriented" leader?
73) Who is directive leader?
74) Who is supportive leader?
75) Define team management, in Managerial Grid.
76) Define country club management in Managerial Grid.
77) Define impoverished management in Managerial Grid.
78) State the five stages in work group development.
79) Define the storming stage of work group development.
80) What are two types of formal groups?
81) What is friendship group?
82) What is a team?
83) State three difference between work group and teams.
84) What is a self-managed team?
85) Define virtual team.
86) Describe organizational conflict?
87) What is intra group conflict?
88) What is inter- group conflict?
89) What is inter- personal conflict?
90) What are major sources of conflict?
91) How can conflict be stimulated?
92) How can conflict be prevented?
93) How can conflict be resolved?
94) Describe collaborative approach to conflict resolution?
95) Describe competitive approach to conflict resolution?
96) Describe compromising approach to conflict resolution?
97) Describe the accommodating approach to conflict resolution?
98) What is organizational communication?
99) Explain wheel network of organizational communication?
100) Explain the all channel network of organizational communication?
101) What are the major barriers to organizational communication?
102) Describe non-verbal communication.
103) How can we enhance effective communication in organization?
104) Define motivation.
105) Sate any two techniques for improving employee motivation.
106) What is intrinsic reward?
107) What is extrinsic reward?
108) Define quality of work life.
109) Define controlling.
110) State any three elements of controlling.
111) What is pre-control?
112) What is concurrent control?
113) What is post control?
114) What is MIS?
115) What is DDS?
116) What is quality?
117) State major factor affecting quality.
118) State any three principles of quality management.
119) What is TQM?
120) State different techniques in TQM.
121) What is benchmarking?
122) What is outsourcing?
123) State principles of Deming Management.
124) What is organizational change?
125) What are the forces of change?
126) What is planned change?
127) State some reasons for planned change?
128) What are the targets of organizational change?
129) State individual resistance to change.
130) State organizational resistance to change.
131) State three ways to overcome resistance to change.
132) What is organizational development?
133) Describe appreciative inquiry in organizational development technique.

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