Monday, June 2, 2014

Unit 6: (P 46) Organizational Development: concept, objective, benefits, process and activities

Organizational Development: 
A collection of planned change interventions, built on humanistic democratic values that seeks to improve organizational effectiveness and employee well being.

OD Values:

  • Respect for people
  • Trust and support
  • Power equalization
  • Confrontation
  • Participation


  • Long term plan
  • Dynamic process
  • System perspective
  • Focus on behavior
  • Research based
  • Empowered process
  • Team work


  • Align individual with organizational purpose.
  • Builds interpersonal trust, communication, cooperation, positive attitude, enthusiasm and support.
  • Focus on problem solving approach.
  • Increase personal responsibility
  • Encourage personal willingness to change.

Key benefits of OD

  • Empowering managers and employees
  • Creating culture of learning organization
  • Makes change easier and faster
  • Increase Decision making efficiency and effectiveness
  • Growth of constructive conflict
  • Positive profits, innovation, customer satisfaction, quality output, work life balance.

OD Process:

  1. Initial Diagnosis: The initial diagnosis refers to finding the inadequacies within the organization that can be corrected by OD activities then it is necessary to find out the professionally competent persons within organization to plan and execute OD activities. The outside consultants can be also employed to help in diagnosing the problems and diagnosing OD activities. The consultants adopt various methods and that primarily includes interviews, questionnaires, direct observation, analysis of documents and reports for diagnosing the problem.
  2. Data Collection: The survey method is employed to collect the data for determining organizational climate. It also helps in identifying the behavioral problems that are rising in the organization. 
  3. Data Feedback: The collected data are analyzed and reviewed by various work groups that are formed for this purpose. It is done in order to intervene in the areas of disagreement or confrontation of ideas or opinions. 
  4. Selection of Interventions: The interventions can be described as the planned activities that are introduced into the system to achieve desired changes and improvements. The suitable interventions are to be selected and designed at this stage. 
  5. Implementation of Interventions: The selected intervention should be implemented progressively as the process is not a one shot, quick cure for organizational problems. Consequently, it achieves real and lasting change in the attitudes and behavior of employees.
  6. Evaluation and follow up: The organization should evaluate the OD programmes and should find out their utility, and develop the programmes further for correcting the deviations. The consultants make great significance to the organization in this respect. The entire steps in the OD processes should be followed by the organization in order to derive full range of OD benefits.

OD Interventions or OD Techniques

  1. Sensitivity Training : It is known as training being carried out by creating an experimental laboratory circumstances where workers will be brought together to do something together in a formless environment. Sensitivity training helps in understanding people well again, to develop appreciation for others, to develop specific behavioral skills and to gain effective approach into the group development. It also aims at falling interpersonal confrontation.
    • The main aim of sensitivity training is to split all the methods through the bond of silence and ease the expression of associates to emphasize on the process of debate to a certain extent than to fulfill the instructions. 
    • It is a method which proposes to have brain washing of persons. This training is accepted by formless groups without any agenda, leader and predetermined goals. The group is given independence to expand their plans, contacts and ongoing process for interaction. Sensitivity training gives a technique to enable special knowledge and development.

  2. Team Building: Team building is an attempt to assist the work group to identify, diagnose and solve its own problems. Actually groups develop their own norms of behavior which pressurize the persons and group behavior. Organization is a system to interconnect with groups. OD considers that work groups are the teams which are spinning around to introduce changes in the organization. Team building actions are taken to develop a range of groups in an organization like permanent work teams, task forces, committees etc. Team building actions focus on finding, task achievement, team relationships and organizational process. The component groups in team building activity are: the external advisors, the group leader and the members of the group.
    • In team building movement, associates meet and talk about troubles connecting to their coursework. It obtain sincere and courageous argument. In the team building movements, the associate adds the sequence relating to their personal observation of issues, problems and task relationship.

  3. Process Consultation: It can be described as the set of activities on the part of the consultant that helps the client to perceive, understand and act upon the process events that take place in the client’s environment. Process consultation concentrates on the analysis of process of activities like communication, leadership etc. It also aims to attempts to develop initial contacts, define relationships, selecting the method of work, collection of data and diagnosis. Process consultation is a method of intervening in an ongoing system and is designed to change attitudes, values, interpersonal skills, group norms, and cohesiveness and other process variables.

  4. Intergroup Development: Meager interpersonal relations are not unusual features in organizational performance. Under these circumstances, inter-group motion spotlights to improve the relationships between the groups. It helps in the interaction and communication between the work groups which eventually avoids dysfunctional inimical competitiveness among them. Inter-group team building entails the procedure of discrimination and combination. 
    • Groups independently develop lists of perceptions, share and discuss lists, look for causes of misperceptions and work to develop integrative solutions.

  5. Appreciative Inquiry: Appreciative Inquiry is primarily an organizational development method which focuses on increasing what an organization does well rather than on eliminating what it does badly. Appreciative Inquiry works from a strength-based foundation of guiding principles. By focusing on the organizations strengths, you can evolve into a true “center of excellence”. Rather than focusing on problems, Appreciative Inquiry elicits solutions. Appreciative Inquiry (AI):
    • Discovery: recalling the strengths of the organization.
    • Dreaming: speculation on the future of the organization.
    • Design: finding a common vision.
    • Destiny: deciding how to fulfill the dream.

  6. Survey Feedback: 
    • It recounts to an approach survey through well planned assessment or Interviews. It covers the feedback to the customer organization. 
    • It has a demand and significance in a genuine situation. The attitude survey can have a purpose to measure the process; for instance, communication, decision making and leadership at different levels. The data produced under this system is perceptual and attitudinal. A review of the product is prepared in a group discussion. 
    • Generally feedback of results is specific to the group which prepares the data. As a result strategies are planned to resolve the organizational problems. 
    • Consequently, the process of survey feedback includes: collection of data, feedback, development of action plan and follow-up. Therefore, to ensure authentic results, the survey should be applicable and dependable.


  1. -To increase the level of trust and mutual emotional support.
    -To find systematic solutions to problems with greater frequency.
    -To increase the level of individual and group responsibility in planning.

  2. OD is a process of continuous diagnosis, action planning, implementation and evaluation, with the goal of transferring knowledge and skills to organizations to improve their capacity for solving problems and managing future change.

    Techniques of Organizational Development:

    1. Sensitivity Training
    The most commonly used Organizational Development intervention is sensitivity training. It is called laboratory training as it is conducted by creating an experimental laboratory situation in which employees are brought together, in groups, to interact in an unstructured environment. The members are encouraged to interact with new members and new individual behaviors.

    2. Team Building
    Team building is an ongoing process that helps a work group evolve into a cohesive unit. The team members not only share expectations for accomplishing group tasks, but trust and support one another and respect one another's individual differences. Your role as a team builder is to lead your team toward cohesiveness and productivity. A team takes on a life of its own and you have to regularly nurture and maintain it, just as you do for individual employees.

    3. Process Consultation
    Process consultation is generally contrasted with expert consultation and is frequently seen by its advocates as a superior style of management consulting. In practice, however, almost all management consulting involves a mix of expert and process models, with the consultant frequently shifting roles to meet the needs of the situation.

    4. Appreciate Inquiry
    Appreciative Inquiry: Most OD approaches are problems centered. They identify a problem or set of problems the look for a solution. Appreciative inquiry accentuates the positive. Rather than looking for problems to fix, this approach seeks to identify the unique qualities and special strengths of an organization which can then be built to improve performance. That is, it focuses on an organizations success rather than on its problems.

    5. Survey feedback: The intervention provides data and information to the managers. Information on Attitudes of employees about wage level, and structure, hours of work, working conditions and relations are collected and the results are supplied to the top executive teams. They analyse the data, find out the problem, evaluate the results and develop the means to correct the problems identified. The team are formed with the employees at all levels in the organization hierarchy i.e, from the rank and file to the top level.

    6. Inter group Development
    Inter group development seeks to change the attitudes stereotypes and perceptions that groups have of each other. For example, in one company, the types, and the human resources department as having a bunch of ultra liberals who are more concerned that some protected group of employees might get their feelings hurt than with the company making a profit. Such stereotypes can have an obvious negative impact on the coordination efforts between the departments.

  3. Organization Development is an effort (1) planned, (2) organization-wide, and (3) managed from the top, to (4) increase organization effectiveness and health through (5) planned interventions in the organizations "processes,” using behavioral-science knowledge
    "Organization Development is a body of knowledge and practice that enhances organizational performance and individual development, by increasing alignment among the various systems within the overall system. OD interventions are inclusive methodologies and approaches to strategic planning, organization design, leadership development, change management, performance management, coaching, diversity, team building, and work/life balance."

    Values of OD:
    “Providing opportunities for people to function as human beings rather than as resources in the productive process.
    Providing opportunities for each organization member, as well as for the organization itself, to develop to his full potential.
    Seeking to increase the effectiveness of the organization in terms of all of its goals.
    Attempting to create an environment in which it is possible to find exciting and challenging work.
    Providing opportunities for people in organizations to influence the way in which they relate to work, the organization, and the environment.
    Treating each human being as a person with a complex set of needs, all of which are important in his work and in his life.”

    Objectives of OD:
    to improve the ability of the organization to plan and manage changes through a transparent, effective and honest process
    to identify and allocate the precious resources of the organization in the most productive manner
    to improve the organizational and individual efficiency for effective accomplishment of organizational goals through planned interventions

    Benefits of OD:
    continuous improvement
    increased communication
    employee development
    increased profit
    product and service enhancement

  4. OD is a process of continuous diagnosis, action planning, implementation and evaluation, with the goal of transferring knowledge and skills to organizations to improve their capacity for solving problems and managing future change.

    OD Values:
    -Respect for people
    -Trust and support
    -Power equalization

    -Long term plan
    -Dynamic process
    -System perspective
    -Focus on behavior
    -Research based
    -Empowered process
    -Team work

    -Align individual with organizational purpose.
    -Builds interpersonal trust, communication, cooperation, positive attitude, enthusiasm and support.
    -Focus on problem solving approach.
    -Increase personal responsibility
    -Encourage personal willingness to change.

    Key benefits of OD:
    -Empowering managers and employees
    -Creating culture of learning organization
    -Makes change easier and faster
    -Increase Decision making efficiency and effectiveness
    -Growth of constructive conflict
    -Positive profits, innovation, customer satisfaction, quality output, work life balance.

    OD process:
    1.initial diagnosis collection feedback
    4.selection of interventions
    5.implementation of interventions
    6.evaluation and follow up

    OD interventions or OD techniques:
    1.sensitivity training building
    3.process consultation
    4.intergroup development
    5.appreciative inquiry
    6.survey feedback

  5. Other definitions from leaders in Organization Development Network:

    "OD is a field directed at interventions in the processes of human systems (formal and informal groups, organizations, communities, and societies) in order to increase their effectiveness and health using a variety of disciplines, principally applied behavioral sciences. OD requires practitioners to be conscious about the values guiding their practice and focuses on achieving its results through people."
    Arnold Minors, Arnold Minors & Associates, Toronto, Canada

    "Organization Development is a body of knowledge and practice that enhances organizational performance and individual development, by increasing alignment among the various systems within the overall system. OD interventions are inclusive methodologies and approaches to strategic planning, organization design, leadership development, change management, performance management, coaching, diversity, team building, and work/life balance."
    Matt Minahan, MM & Associates, Silver Spring, Maryland

  6. The OD Process is based on the action research model which begins with an identified problem or need for change. The process proceeds through assessment, planning of an intervention, implementing the intervention, gathering data to evaluate the intervention, and determining if satisfactory progress has been made or if there is need for further intervention. The process is cyclical and ends when the desired developmental result is obtained.

    organizational development process

    The OD process begins when an organization recognizes that a problem exists which impacts the mission or health of the organization and change is desired. It can also begin when leadership has a vision of a better way and wants to improve the organization. An organization does not always have to be in trouble to implement organization development activities.

    Once the decision is made to change the situation, the next step is to assess the situation to fully understand it. This assessment can be conducted in many ways including documentation review, organizational sensing, focus groups, interviewing, or surveying. The assessment could be conducted by outside experts or by members of the organization.

    After the situation is assessed, defined, and understood, the next step is to plan an intervention. The type of change desired would determine the nature of the intervention. Interventions could include training and development, team interventions such as team building for management or employees or the establishment of change teams, structural interventions, or individual interventions.

    Once the intervention is planned, it is implemented.

    During and after the implementation of the intervention, relevant data is gathered. The data gathered would be determined by the change goals. For example, if the intervention were training and development for individual employees or for work groups, data to be gathered would measure changes in knowledge and competencies.

    This data is used to determine the effectiveness of the intervention. It is reported to the organization’s decision-makers. The decision-makers determine if the intervention met its goals. If the intervention met its goals, the process can end, which is depicted by the raising of the development bar. If it did not, the decision is made whether to continue the cycle and to plan and carry out another intervention or to end it.

  7. OD is a process of continuous diagnosis, action planning, implementation and evaluation, with the goal of transferring knowledge and skills to organizations to improve their capacity for solving problems and managing future change.

    OD process:
    1.initial diagnosis collection feedback
    4.selection of interventions
    5.implementation of interventions
    6.evaluation and follow up

  8. Organization development (OD) is a deliberately planned, organization-wide effort to increase an organization's effectiveness and/or efficiency and/or to enable the organization to achieve its strategic goals. OD theorists and practitioners define it in various ways. Its multiplicity of definition reflects the complexity of the discipline and is responsible for its lack of understanding. For example, Vasudevan has referred to OD being about promoting organizational readiness to meet change,[citation needed] and it has been said that OD is a systemic learning and development strategy intended to change the basics of beliefs, attitudes and relevance of values, and structure of the current organization to better absorb disruptive technologies, shrinking or exploding market opportunities and ensuing challenges and chaos. It is worth understanding what OD is not. It is not training, personal development, team development or team building, human resource development (HRD), learning and development (L&D) or a part of HR although it is often mistakenly understood as some or all of these. OD interventions are about change so involve people - but OD also develops processes, systems and structures. The primary purpose of OD is to develop the organization, not to train or develop the staff.

  9. Organizational Development is planned changethat brings out organizational effectiveness and employee well being.

    Align individual with organizational purpose.
    Builds interpersonal trust, communication, cooperation, positive attitude, enthusiasm and support.
    Focus on problem solving approach.
    Increase personal responsibility
    Encourage personal willingness to change.

    Key benefits of OD:
    Empowering managers and employees
    Creating culture of learning organization
    Makes change easier and faster
    Increase Decision making efficiency and effectiveness
    Growth of constructive conflict
    Positive profits, innovation, customer satisfaction, quality output, work life balance.

  10. "Organization Development is a body of knowledge and practice that enhances organizational performance and individual development, by increasing alignment among the various systems within the overall system. OD interventions are inclusive methodologies and approaches to strategic planning, organization design, leadership development, change management, performance management, coaching, diversity, team building, and work/life balance."
    Matt Minahan, MM & Associates, Silver Spring, Maryland

    OD Values:
    -Respect for people
    -Trust and support
    -Power equalization

    -Long term plan
    -Dynamic process
    -System perspective
    -Focus on behavior
    -Research based
    -Empowered process
    -Team work

    -Align individual with organizational purpose.
    -Builds interpersonal trust, communication, cooperation, positive attitude, enthusiasm and support.
    -Focus on problem solving approach.
    -Increase personal responsibility
    -Encourage personal willingness to change.

    Key benefits of OD:
    -Empowering managers and employees
    -Creating culture of learning organization
    -Makes change easier and faster
    -Increase Decision making efficiency and effectiveness
    -Growth of constructive conflict
    -Positive profits, innovation, customer satisfaction, quality output, work life balance.

    OD process:
    1.initial diagnosis collection feedback
    4.selection of interventions
    5.implementation of interventions
    6.evaluation and follow up

    OD interventions or OD techniques:
    1.sensitivity training building
    3.process consultation
    4.intergroup development
    5.appreciative inquiry
    6.survey feedback

  11. Organization development (OD) is a deliberately planned, organization-wide effort to increase an organization's effectiveness and/or efficiency and/or to enable the organization to achieve its strategic goals.

    OD values:
    -Providing opportunities for people to function as human beings rather than as resources in the productive process.
    -Providing opportunities for each organization member, as well as for the organization itself, to develop to their full potential.
    -Seeking to increase the effectiveness of the organization in terms of all of its goals.
    -Attempting to create an environment in which it is possible to find exciting and challenging work.
    -Providing opportunities for people in organizations to influence the way in which they relate to work, the organization, and the environment.
    -Treating each human being as a person with a complex set of needs, all of which are important to their work and their life.

    Characteristics of OD:
    -Long term plan
    -Dynamic process
    -System perspective
    -Focus on behavior
    -Research based
    -Empowered process
    -Team work

    Objectives of OD:
    -To increase the level of inter-personal trust among employees.
    -To increase employees' level of satisfaction and commitment.
    -To confront problems instead of neglecting them.
    -To effectively manage conflict.
    -To increase cooperation and collaboration among the employees.
    -To increase the organization's problem solving.
    -To put in place processes that will help improve the ongoing operation of the organization on a continuous basis.

    Key benefits of OD
    -Empowering managers and employees
    -Creating culture of learning organization
    -Makes change easier and faster
    -Increase Decision making efficiency and effectiveness
    -Growth of constructive conflict
    -Positive profits, innovation, customer satisfaction, quality output, work life balance.

    OD activities and Process
    -Large group involvement
    -Approaches and Interventions

  12. Characteristics of OD
    The American Society for Training and Development’s OD Professional
    Practice Area attempted to provide a synthesis of the various definitions by
    providing the key points that it saw in the range of definitions available:
    believe the practice of organization development:
    must be in alignment with organization and business objectives;
    is rooted in the behavioral sciences;
    is long range and ongoing;
    stresses a process orientation to achieve results;
    is based on collaboration;
    is a systems orientation.
    The following conclusions can be drawn about the core character-
    istics of OD:
    OD is an interdisciplinary and primarily behavioral science
    approach that draws from such fields as organization behavior,
    management, business, psychology, sociology, anthropology,
    economics, education, counseling, and public administration.
    A primary, though not exclusive, goal of OD is to improve
    organizational effectiveness.
    The target of the change effort is the whole organization,
    departments, work groups, or individuals within the organi-
    zation and, as mentioned earlier, may extend to include a
    community, nation, or region.
    OD recognizes the importance of top management’s commit-
    ment, support, and involvement. It also affirms a bottom-up
    approach when the culture of the organization supports such
    efforts to improve an organization.
    It is a planned and long-range strategy for managing change,
    while also recognizing that the dynamic environment in which
    we live requires the ability to respond quickly to changing
    The major focus of OD is on the total system and its inter-
    dependent parts.
    OD uses a collaborative approach that involves those affected
    by the change in the change process.

  13. Organization development(OD) is a process of continuous diagnosis, action planning, implementation and evaluation, with the goal of transferring knowledge and skills to organizations to improve their capacity for solving problems and managing future change.

    process of OD
    1.initial diagnosis collection feedback
    4.selection of interventions
    5.implementation of interventions
    6.evaluation and follow up

  14. "Organization Development is a body of knowledge and practice that enhances organizational performance and individual development, by increasing alignment among the various systems within the overall system. OD interventions are inclusive methodologies and approaches to strategic planning, organization design, leadership development, change management, performance management, coaching, diversity, team building, and work/life balance."

    -Long term plan
    -Dynamic process
    -System perspective
    -Focus on behavior
    -Research based
    -Empowered process
    -Team work

    Objectives of OD:
    -To increase the level of inter-personal trust among employees.
    -To increase employees' level of satisfaction and commitment.
    -To confront problems instead of neglecting them.
    -To effectively manage conflict.
    -To increase cooperation and collaboration among the employees.
    -To increase the organization's problem solving.
    -To put in place processes that will help improve the ongoing operation of the organization on a continuous basis.

    Key benefits of OD
    -Empowering managers and employees
    -Creating culture of learning organization
    -Makes change easier and faster
    -Increase Decision making efficiency and effectiveness
    -Growth of constructive conflict
    -Positive profits, innovation, customer satisfaction, quality output, work life balance.

    OD activities and Process
    -Large group involvement
    -Approaches and Interventions

  15. Organization Development is an effort (1) planned, (2) organization-wide, and (3) managed from the top, to (4) increase organization effectiveness and health through (5) planned interventions in the organizations "processes,” using behavioral-science knowledge
    "Organization Development is a body of knowledge and practice that enhances organizational performance and individual development, by increasing alignment among the various systems within the overall system. OD interventions are inclusive methodologies and approaches to strategic planning, organization design, leadership development, change management, performance management, coaching, diversity, team building, and work/life balance."

    Values of OD:
    “Providing opportunities for people to function as human beings rather than as resources in the productive process.
    Providing opportunities for each organization member, as well as for the organization itself, to develop to his full potential.
    Seeking to increase the effectiveness of the organization in terms of all of its goals.
    Attempting to create an environment in which it is possible to find exciting and challenging work.
    Providing opportunities for people in organizations to influence the way in which they relate to work, the organization, and the environment.
    Treating each human being as a person with a complex set of needs, all of which are important in his work and in his life.”

    Objectives of OD:
    to improve the ability of the organization to plan and manage changes through a transparent, effective and honest process
    to identify and allocate the precious resources of the organization in the most productive manner
    to improve the organizational and individual efficiency for effective accomplishment of organizational goals through planned interventions

    Benefits of OD:
    continuous improvement
    increased communication
    employee development
    increased profit
    product and service enhancement

  16. Organization development is a deliberately planned, organization-wide effort to increase an organization's effectiveness and/or efficiency and/or to enable the organization to achieve its strategic goals. Organization development theorists and practitioners define it in various ways. Its multiplicity of definition reflects the complexity of the discipline and is responsible for its lack of understanding.

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